We are pofessional
multi-disciplinary sourcing & supply company


CSR Initiative

Enhancing communities, enriching lives, and reshaping the environment afiado operates according to guiding principles that go beyond the boardroom. In our opinion, it is our duty to improve the lives of those in our local communities all around the world. We uphold the highest partner standards and conduct our business with ethics and the environment in mind. Activities that benefit society, the environment, and the economy. Our programs are expanding yearly. We have already supported community initiatives in Africa and will keep doing so. We are committed to supporting deserving endeavours in our communities and are constantly looking for projects that provide us with the opportunity to make a sustained commitment and a positive influence.

AML Compliance

We associate with partners who work professionally with minimized risk and non-bonafide persons. We are committed to supporting all efforts at local and international levels to fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism and other related offences. Through our continuous monitoring and control. we aim to protect both our company and customers from potential risks and comply with the applicable local laws and regulations.